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HFC - Diskpay - HFC Only


The HFC Direct Entry File Format specification that outlines the processing of Bank transactions that HFC Bank receives from clients.

There is only one File Format used for Direct Entry within Fiji. The same format is used for Direct Crediting and Direct Debiting.

The file format is a fixed record length ASCII format. It uses lines of information 120 characters in length. Strings of characters within the line represent specific pieces of information.

For example in a Detail Record line the characters at positions 21-30 represent the amount to be paid to or received from your customer


HFC Direct Entry  File Format specification

Steps to configure HFC Direct Entry File 

  1. Configure the file extension in menu "Integration -> Integration Setup -> PAYDirectBankFile -> HFCDirect -> FileExtension" as: pc1
  2. Enter the company's bank account details in menu "Company Administration ->  Bank -> [HFC] -> Accounts"
  3. Enter the company's Registration Number details in menu "Company Administration -> Bank -> [HFC] -> Accounts"
  4. Enter the employee's bank account details in menu "Employee Profile -> Employee Pay Setup -> Direct Credit "


  1. Entries in the "Direct Credit" option is restricted to employees having HFC bank accounts only .